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Condurango 30C Induces Epigenetic Modification of Lung Cancer-specific Tumour Suppressor Genes via Demethylation

Background: DNA hypermethylation induces cancer progression involving CpG island of DNA and causes inactivation of tumour suppressor genes. In this study, DNA hypermethylation status of lung cancer and ability of ultra-highly diluted Condurango 30C to modulate DNA methylation were ascertained by analysis of lung cancer-specific tumour
suppressor genes in respect to placebo.

Materials and Methods: DNA methylation status, if any, was determined by PCR-SSCP analyses in lung cancer-specific tumour suppressor genes (p15, p16 and p53) using H460-NSCLC cell
and BaP-induced lung cancer of rats. The ability of Condurango 30C to modulate DNA methylation, if any, was verified against placebo control in blinded manner.

Results: Condurango 30C-treated DNA showed significant decrease in band intensity of p15 and p53 genes especially in methylated condition in vitro, at IC50 dose (2.43µl/100µl). SSCP analysis of p15 and p53 genes in Condurango 30C-treated DNA also suggests that Condurango 30C can decrease methylation, in vitro. Inhibition of p15 hypermethylation
was observed in post-cancer treatment of rats with Condurango 30C. SSCP results gave a better indication of differences in band position of p15 and p53 in Condurango 30Ctreated lung samples.

Conclusion: Condurango 30C could trigger epigenetic modification in lung cancer via modulation of DNA hypermethylation.