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Preliminary evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and anti-hepatotoxic activities of ‘Parsley’ Petroselinum crispum in rats

The aerial parts of Parsley’ Petroselinum crispum family Umbelliferae, locally known as Baqdunis, serve as vegetable or condiment in cookery. Parsley has been claimed in Arab Traditional Medicine to possess variety of properties including laxative, diuretic and antiurolithiatic. The leaves are used as hot application against inflammatory condition, mastitis and haematomata. It is regarded as a treatment for liver ailments, Ahsan et al. have reported a significant inhibitory effect of Parsley on experimentally induced kidney stone in laboratory animals. Recently, Kreydiyyeh et al. have mentioned laxative property of Parsley. On the other hand, a diuretic effect of Parsley decoction has been determined by Kreydiyyeh and Utsa.

Traditionally, Parsley leaf is used for treatment of constipation, flatulence, jaundice, colic, edema, rheumatism, diseases of prostate and liver. It has also been used as an aphrodisiac. Based on traditional use of this plant in rheumatic and liver diseases, the present study was undertaken with an objective to scientifically validate the claim.