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General Description

Glucomedix Pitch Deck

Quina is an extract produced from the bark of Cinchona calisaya, a tree from South America that is found between 1,400 meters and 2,800 meters above sea level.  Quina has been used for centuries by native South Americans to treat a number of illnesses including malaria, cancer, fever, dysentery, typhoid, pneumonia, etc. It was one of the first South American medicinal plants to become known outside of the Americas. It was first used in Europe in the mid- 1600's and recognized by the British Pharmacopoeia in 1677. Quinine, one of the four alkaloids in Quina known to have antimalarial properties, has been used to produce medicines to treat malaria for nearly 200 years. Malaria strains have mutated rendering these drugs far less effective causing researchers to re-evaluate the medicinal properties of whole plant extracts of Cinchona species such as Quina. 

Quina is utilized by some health care professionals in the U.S. as an important component of a Lyme disease protocol. It has been found to be very effective in treating Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, Babesia and many of the coinfections that are usually associated with this condition.

Some Reported Medicinal Properties













Research On NutraMedix Product


Establishment of the potential anti-inflammatory effect of the product known as Quina. The study demonstrated that Quina had anti-inflammatory effect similar to indomethycine and can be used to address inflammation from inflammatory agents such as carragenine, as observed in animal testing and as appears in specialized literature. Full Article


An acute oral toxicity study was conducted by the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador concluding that Quina did not produce toxic effects, thus the product is considered practically innocuous for humans when administered in the acute form. Therefore; studies of acute toxicity at higher doses in humans are not necessary. Full Article

Medical Conditions [peer-reviewed journals]


Carroll, A. M., Kavanagh, D. J., McGovern, F. P., Reilly, J. W., & Walsh, J. J. (2012). Nature’s Chiral Catalyst and Anti-Malarial Agent: Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Cinchonine and Quinine from Cinchona calisaya. Journal of Chemical Education, 89(12), 1578-1581.  Full Article

Frankenburg, F. R., & Baldessarini, R. J. (2008). Neurosyphilis, malaria, and the discovery of antipsychotic agents. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 16(5), 299-307. Full Article

Botsaris, A. S. (2007). Plants used traditionally to treat malaria in Brazil: the archives of Flora Medicinal. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 3(1), 18. Full Article

Andrade-Neto, V. F., Brandão, M. G. L., Stehmann, J. R., Oliveira, L. A., & Krettli, A. U. (2003). Antimalarial activity of Cinchona-like plants used to treat fever and malaria in Brazil. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 87(2-3), 253-256. Full Article

Munoz, V., Sauvain, M., Bourdy, G., Callapa, J., Rojas, I., Vargas, L., ... & Deharo, E. (2000). A search for natural bioactive compounds through a multidisciplinary approach in Bolivia. Part II. Antimalarial activity of some plants used by Mosetene indians. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 69(2), 139-155. Full Article

Medicinal Properties [peer-reviewed journals]


Ezekwesili, C. N., Ogbunugafor, H. A., & Ezekwesili–Ofili, J. O. (2012). Anti-diabetic activity of aqueous extracts of Vitex doniana leaves and Cinchona calisaya bark in alloxan–induced diabetic rats. Int J Trop Disease, 2(4), 290-300. Full Article


Kushwah, P., Das, P., Badore, N. S., Salvekar, V., & Deshmukh, N. (2016). Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Cinchona calisaya bark on Staphylococcus by agar well diffusion method. Pharmaceutical and Biological Evaluations, 3(2), 272-274. Full Article

Various Properties

Frankenburg, F. R., & Baldessarini, R. J. (2008). Neurosyphilis, malaria, and the discovery of antipsychotic agents. Harvard review of psychiatry, 16(5), 299-307. Full Article

Medicinal Properties
[other journals]

A Hidden Epidemic: Integrative Treatment of Lyme Disease, Scott Forsgren, March 2009 Full Article

Medical Conditions [other journals]


Conference Presentations

Patient Reports

"I take this for babesiosis, and it is very effective. I respond better to it than the antimalarials such as Mepron, Atavaquone. Not as hard on my system, either. Started with one drop twice a day and worked up to ten. I have never taken more than ten drops twice a day (although you can). You put it in water, wait one minute, then drink. I haven't suffered any side effects from Quina and never had a severe herx reaction from it, either."-S.A.

“This has cleared up my foggy brain. I remember names and numbers again. My chronique fatigue has gone away . Not bad for a 70 year old gal.” – K.C

"Bloating, gas, stomach spasms – I had it all.  This stuff made me feel like I did when I was a kid.  My food was no longer my enemy.  Quina's great!"-R.I.

Dosage Information

30 drops twice daily at least 30 minutes before meals (start with 1 drop in 4 oz. of water adding a drop with each dose).


Safety Information

An acute oral toxicity study was conducted by the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador concluding that Quina did not produce toxic effects, thus the product is considered practically innocuous for humans when administered in the acute form. Therefore; studies of acute toxicity at higher doses in humans are not necessary. Full Article

Product Label

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Quina: Various Properties

Four of the most disabling human diseases are syphilis, malaria, schizophrenia, and manic-depressive illness. The history of the development of treatments for these seemingly unrelated disorders intersects at several points.

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Quina: Toxicity Test 1 - Rev Oct 1705

Quina will be used in humans and therefore the vital importance of carrying out these first-step tests. They will not only guarantee the quality of the product, but will also establish that there are no adverse side effects in humans who take the product.

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Quina: Antimicrobial

Infectious diseases account for high proportion of health problems in the developing countries like India. Microorganism has developed resistance to many antibiotics and this has created immense clinical problem in the treatment of infectious diseases.

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Quina: Anti-inflammatory Test 1

The method of inducing edemas by applying carragenin to the feet of mice is a classic model for the study of products with anti-inflammatory activity. The by-products of the metabolism of araquidonic acid via cecloxigenesis and the production of reactive species of oxygen are also involved.

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Quina: Malaria (Nature's)

Nature is a well-recognized source of compounds of interest, but access is often an issue. One pertinent example is the cinchona alkaloids from the bark of Cinchona calisaya. In this experiment, students at the third-year undergraduate level undertake the selective isolation and characterization of two of the four main alkaloids present in the bark.

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Quina: Malaria (Nature's)

Nature is a well-recognized source of compounds of interest, but access is often an issue. One pertinent example is the cinchona alkaloids from the bark of Cinchona calisaya. In this experiment, students at the third-year undergraduate level undertake the selective isolation and characterization of two of the four main alkaloids present in the bark.

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Quina: Malaria (search)

Thirty extracts of plants traditionally used by the Chacobos, a native community living in the Amazonian part of Bolivia, were screened in vitro and/or in vivo for antimalarial activity. Two of the four species designated as antimalarial, Geissospermum laeve and Maquira coriacea, displayed rather good activity, corroborating their traditional uses.

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Quina: Malaria (Neurosyphilis)

Four of the most disabling human diseases are syphilis, malaria, schizophrenia, and manic-depressive illness. The history of the development of treatments for these seemingly unrelated disorders intersects at several points. Treatment of tertiary cerebral syphilis (general paresis) by inducing fever with malaria led to a Nobel Prize.

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Quina: Malaria (Brazil)

For centuries, malaria was treated with the bark of Cinchona calisaya and Cinchona succirubra plants named “quinas” in Brazil, from which the quinine molecule was isolated. Other plant species known also as “quinas” are used to treat fever and malaria, like Deianira erubescens (roots and leaves), Strychnos pseudoquina (bark), and Remijia ferruginea (bark).

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Quina: Malaria (archives)

The archives of Flora Medicinal, an ancient pharmaceuticallaboratory that supported ethnomedical research in Brazil for more than 30years, were searched for plants with antimalarial use.

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Quina: Antidiabetic

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycaemia together with biochemical alterations of glucose and lipid metabolism. This chronic disorder arises as a result of insufficient production of the pancreatic β-cells hormone insulin or inadequate utilization of insulin.

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